What Are Television “Upfronts”?
UPFRONTS About twice a year or so, we hear a lot about news coming out of meetings or press conferences called upfronts. An upfront is where television networks hold a meeting where they sell airtime...
View ArticleTV Shows That Might or Might Not Make It by the Upfronts
Upfronts are in May and networks have to look long and hard… and sometimes not so hard at what TV series they’re going to be cutting from next season so they know what they’re selling the advertisers....
View ArticleA Bit of Info about Michael Weatherly’s Contract With NCIS
Despite reported salaray disputes over on the CBS crime drama, NCIS, Michael Weatherly is returning for NCIS’s 7th season as the ever lovable and yet annoying Special Agent Anthony DiNozzo, per...
View ArticleAdvertisers Pay Huge for Your TV Time & Why
TV Ads and Advertising In General Advertising, believe it or not, is deeply integrated into our society. It has become such because we spend money to survive & to play. People have discovered...
View ArticleNetworks Sell Almost $10 Billion In Ads for 2011-12 TV Season
Zoinks, with all of our local schools laying off people left and right because somehow the monies are drying up for our nation’s future, at least our five big networks are faring OK. It’s been...
View ArticleDISH TV’s Ad Hopping “The HOPPER,” A Trend Setter, Gimmick Or Doomed to Fail?
If you follow BruSimm.com, you know I’ve had my issues with some of the spammer business practices from DISH TV. But aside from that, of late, you may have noticed the DISH TV ads where they toss out...
View ArticleTV Ads Land The Networks Billions for 2012-2013 TV Season
If you have ever wondered exactly how the television networks manage to pay those crazy TV actor wages where they’re snagging up to $900K per episode? Well, the trick is through fees that advertisers...
View ArticleThe ‘Upfronts’ Will Start This Tuesday. Wait? What?
Starting Tuesday, February 5th, the upfronts will commence and they’ll be led off by the Oxygen network, followed by Cartoon Network and then the rest of the presenters will come along. The basic...
View ArticleWhat Are Upfronts and What Do They Have To Do with Renewed TV Shows?
Have you ever wondered just what the heck television “upfronts” are? Every now and again, you hear news about TV networks and their shows and how the news came from what’s referred to as the upfronts....
View Article2015/16 Network TV Season Cancellations and Renewals
(Updated 5-12-15) The upfronts are right around the corner (the week of 5-12-15). This is the time when networks sell ad time to the advertisers that pummel you with those overly loud and sometimes...
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